Our Vision
“The Worship Ministries of FBC of Saks exist to play and sing glory to our God, to lift up the name of Jesus, and to set the table for the word of God to be preached.”
David C. Gilmore
Worship Leader
FBC Saks Music Staff: (Left to Right)
David Gilmore, Worship Leader
Kim Guthary, Pianist
Stephen Reeves, Orchestra Coordinator
Not Pictured:
Junior Gidley, Sight and Sound Team
Josh Hays, Sight and Sound Team
Ira Dean Newman, Organist
Robin Yarbrough-Kid's Praise Director
Here are the opportunities to be a part of our Worship Ministries.
Worship Choir - Helps lead in congregational singing and provide special music for our Sunday Morning worship service. The choir also presents special music programs at special times during the year. The choir rehearses in the Library on Wednesday nights at 7:30.
The Choir is open to anyone 13 and older that can attend rehearsals.
Worship Orchestra - Provides music accompaniment for our congregational worship and Choir specials. The Orchestra also provides special music and pre service music for our Sunday services. The Orchestra rehearses in the Choir Suite on Wednesday nights at 6:00. The Orchestra is open to anyone who can read music, play an instrument, and attend rehearsals.
Children’s Choir - "Kid's Praise"
Our Children's Music Ministry program is back after a couple of years away. We look forward to them sharing special music in our Morning Worship services from time to time and participating during our special Holiday services.
Kid's Praise Schedule: Wednesday's
5:15 PM-Check in at the side entrance of the ARK
5:15-6:00 PM-Kid's Praise Rehearsal
6:00 PM- Snack Supper
6:15-7:30 PM-AWANA
7:30 PM-Pick up at the side entrance of the ARK
Robin Yarbrough is our Kid's Praise director, and she has a great team of volunteers. We need to train our kids to love Christian music, and give them opportunities to share their talents with the church family. Who knows how many of them God will use in the future as worship leaders, choir or praise team members, orchestra members. . . .etc.
Handbell Ministry
Our Handbell ministry is inactive at the present time. If you have a desire to play or help with the handbell ministry, please contact Shirley Drury. Shirley is our Handbell Choir Director, and she is looking for players and volunteers to help get this ministry started back.